2024 Announcements: Allison Bryant Fine Art

2024 is upon us, and Allison Bryant Fine Art and family have some big announcements to share!

My husband and I have made the difficult, yet exciting decision to leave Idaho and move our three littles to live near Kansas City, Missouri.

While this was by no means an easy decision, we are convinced this is what our next season is meant to be. We are thrilled to be chasing our years-long dream of raising our sons on acreage, and we are currently under contract for a house on five acres near Harrisonville, MO.

What does this mean for Allison Bryant Fine Art and our clientele?

Absolutely nothing is projected to change on the art front. ABFA will continue to service Idaho in the same capacity, in addition to expanding to the Kansas City area. The hope and prayer is - and always has been - that my art will become an online business, where I connect with and serve clients from home. So aside from removing the option of local delivery in Idaho, nothing will change. I also plan to make the trip back to Idaho for major events and shows.

When is this change taking place?

Due to the fact that we are under contract for a home, the timeline has been moved up significantly. Our closing date is currently set at 02.07, and we are planning to leave Idaho on February 4th. The coming month may result in less emails, so if ABFA’s newsletter drops off for a few weeks, this is why.

How can you stay in touch?

I will continue to use Allison Bryant Fine Art as the marketplace for my art. New releases, commissions, and contact will continue through this newsletter.

You can also follow our journey more closely on our social media platforms, including Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube. These platforms will stay up-to-date more regularly than our email, and will let you watch our journey yourself if you would like to follow along.

Once again and always, I cannot say “thank you” enough to my clientele and supporters. You have truly helped in large part to make this dream a reality, and we have stood in awe of how God is using Allison Bryant Fine Art to bless not only us, but our children and their futures.

Thank you. I look forward to continuing our journey from the Midwest.


Elevate Your Space: How to Choose the Right Wall Art for Your Home